Ladli Scheme (Hindi)
Ladli Scheme is a scheme that aims to alter the position of the girl kid in family/the public. It also aims to help modify the people’s mindsets for appropriate taking care of the girl kid and as well to offer the girl child their birth rights as stated in Indian constitution. Daughters are taking care of extremely deprived in current society in contrast to boys in the society. The behavior a girl child takes from the family members is extremely pitiable. To battle all the troubles such as female foeticide, waning females sex ratio & to augment the figure of daughters in the families of society government has set up a variety of plans in which a girl child obtains particular profits. LADLI YOJNA is among such plans and schemes. On the birthday occasion of late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi this scheme was started in the year of 2008.
Writer: Desh Raj Singh
Language: Hindi
Format: Talk
Themes: Governance --> Government Schemes and Policies
Scipt Year: September, 2013
Script File: Login to Download